81) What is a cucumber?
Cucumber is a tool that supports Behaviour-Driven-Development (BDD) i.e. used to write web application acceptance tests. Cucumber can be used in conjunction with Selenium, Watir, and Capybara etc. Cucumber supports many other languages such as Perl, PHP, Python, Net etc.
82) What are the benefits of cucumber?
- Cucumber supports various languages such as Java.net and Ruby.
- It serves as a bridge between business needs and developmentcode.
- Allows the test script to be written without the knowledge of any code, it allows non-programming participation as well.
- It serves the purpose of the end-of-test framework unlike other tools.
- Due to the simple script structure, cucumber offers re-use of code.
83) What 2 files are needed to create a cucumber test environment?
Step description file and Test Runner file with 2 files required to use acondition of testing cucumber.
84) What language does the cucumber use?
Cucumber uses the Gherkin language. It is a specific domain languagehelps you to describe the operation of a business without the need for details of
implementation. This text serves as documents and bones for your
automatic testing.
85) What is meant by a feature file?
The file, in which the Cucumber test is written, is known as feature files. Thefeature file extension needs to be ".feature".
86) What does the feature file contain?
The feature file contains various test scores written using the Gherkin languagein the Given / When / And / Then format.
87) What are the various key words used in Cucumber ?
The most common keywords used in Cucumber are:
- Feature
- Background
- Status
- Given
- What
- After that
- And
- However
88) What is the Scenario framework for Cucumber and its purpose?
The same situation can be made with multiple data sets using status outline. Details are provided in table structure.89) What planning language does cucumber use?
Cucumber supports a variety of programming languages including
Java, JavaScript, PHP, Net, Python, Perl, etc.
90) What is the purpose of the Step Definition file in Cucumber?
Step Description is a Java method with a phrase that links it to another or many Gherkin steps. When a cucumber makes a Gherkin step in a particular case, it is will look at the definition of the same step to be used.To illustrate this, consider the following Gherkin Scenario:
Status: LoginProvision of user access to the site
The user logs in to the step-by-step section (following text is Given keyword) will match the description of the next step:
StepDefinitions community categories {
@Given ("user login to site")
Empty public user_login_to_site () {
System.out.println ("User signed in to site")
@Given ("user login to site")
Empty public user_login_to_site () {
System.out.println ("User signed in to site")
91) What are the main benefits of a cucumber framework?
- It helps to involve business participants who can easily read the code
- Cucumber Testing focuses on the end user experience
- Test writing style allows easy use of code in tests
- Quick and easy setup
- Proper testing tool
92) Give an example of a feature file using a cucumber frame?
Feature: Log in to the siteStatus: User sign-in with valid symbols
The given user is on the sign-in page
When a user enters a valid username
And the user enters a valid password
After that the login message is displayed
93) Give an example of a Situation framework using a cucumber framework?
Feature - Status FrameworkStatus Frame - Log in to facebook
A given user navigates to Facebook
When I enter a username as "<username>" and password as "<password>"
After that login should not be successful
| username | password |
| username1 | password1 |
| username2 | password2 |
94) What is the purpose of Behavior Development (BDD) how in the real world?
Driven Behavior Behavior is a way to improve that software allows the business inspector / analyst to create test cases in simple text language (English). The simple language used in situations helps even non-technical team members to understand what is happening in the software project.95) What is the limit of the maximum number of possible cases included in the feature file?
You can have as many situations as you like, but it is recommended that you keep themnumber 3-5. Too many steps in the model, will make it lose it is the power of expression as explained by texts.
96) What is the use of Background keyword in Cucumber?
The background allows you to add a specific context to the feature settings.It may contain one or more provided steps. It is carried out before each situation, however
after any Before the hooks. In your feature file, put the background before the first one
Status. You can have one set of background steps for each feature. If you need different background steps for different situations, you will need to separate put them in separate feature files.
97) What symbol is used to make a parameter in Cucumber?
Steps can use delimised parameters with reference topics in the file examples examples. Cucumber will replace these structures with prices from table before attempting to match the action against the definition of the step.98) What is the purpose of the keyword examples in Cucumber?
The Conditions Framework must contain a section of examples (or Conditions). Its stepsthey are translated as a template that can be used directly. Instead, the Scenario The framework is run once per line in the examples section under it.
99) What is a file extension feature?
The feature file extension is a .feature feature100) Give an example of a step-by-step description file in Cucumber.
StepDefinitions community categories{
@Given ("user login to site")
Empty public user_login_to_site ()
@Given ("user login to site")
Empty public user_login_to_site ()
System.out.println ("User signed in to site")
System.out.println ("User signed in to site")
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