For Automation we accomplish higher creation rates and expanded usefulness, more proficient utilization of materials, better item quality, further developed security, more limited work filled weeks for work , and diminished production line lead times. indeed it is valid, But we didn't keep up with the computerization scripts/suit we are neglected to accomplish our robotization objective. Test mechanization additionally requires upkeep, and it produces specialized obligation. 

How Might You Reduce Maintenance Efforts In Automation Script? 

1,Focus Automation At API Level: 

Benefits of API testing. It's quicker, you don't need to stress over changes to the UI, you don't require a UI. You test the API straightforwardly and you likewise test the usefulness of the application. 

The expense of keeping up with UI-level tests is nearly more prominent than the advantage from the robotization. In this way, test engineers are encouraged to computerize their application at the API level since performing robotization at application code saves money on TCO as well as builds the strength of contents. 

2, Use POM (Page object models) 

It is a plan design, famously utilized in test computerization that makes Object Repository for web UI components. The upside of the model is that it decreases code duplication and further develops test support. 

3, Test Data Management Approach 

Probably the greatest test engineers face is dealing with the test information in robotized tests, particularly in start to finish test computerization. Regular changes in the information can make scripts fall flat. Each time a change is made to the application, invigorate the information base, change its status and run the contents to keep away from script disappointment. Test information the board assists associations with making better quality programming that will perform dependably on arrangement. It forestalls bug fixes and rollbacks and in general makes a more expense effective programming arrangement measure. It additionally brings down the association's consistence and security chances. 

4,Mentor With Web Developers 

Put a few rules for web engineers, advise them not to roll out superfluous improvements, for example, "classNames, tagNames, IDs … and so on" on the grounds that there was an error in the finder or for any pointless explanation! No one thinks often about mistakes in finders, and fixing these grammatical errors, it will just influence computerization finders and lead to sudden upkeep. At the point when a specific HTML change must be made, the web engineers need to stay in contact with Automation designers and let them think about changes before they even make them and thusly, "Component not Found Exceptions" will be totally skirted. 

5,Test Execution Strategy 

Running a total test cycle each and every time the group conveys another code underway it isn't required. All things considered, there is no mischief in saving additional endeavors and redirecting them else where. Nightly mechanized program testing that covers all significant experiments is the best approach here. By experiments, I don't mean the supercritical ones. You can cover the ordinary upkeep tests in this system. The results of the computerized testing cycle will assist you with recognizing or address issues in the daily robotized test. 

6,Build Smart finders 

Have Automation engineers assemble their finders adroitly, where finders shouldn't be identified with WebElements' areas, on the off chance that you have an ID, it ought to be a special finder and ought to be utilized first thing. ClassNames could likewise be exceptional once in a while, however not generally, so when you use ClassNames, approve they are special, assuming they aren't, base your finder on private strategies which will return the right WebElement. Segments normally have extraordinary coverings, so you can begin from returning the covering for sure I like to call "anchor" and from that point; search for the ClassName you need to return. 

7, Regular wellbeing check of robotization suites 

Indeed, even minor changes can affect a robotization suite if the test engineer doesn't know about those changes. To keep away from this test get customary wellbeing checks of the mechanization suites. Normal checks will guarantee mechanization suites proceed as expected and give the best outcomes. 


Quicker Feedback Cycle. 

Group Saves Time. 

Decreased Business Expenses. 

Higher Test Coverage. 

Reusability of Test Suite. 

8,Reducing The Flaky Test 

Flaky tests are ones with non-deterministic results. Basically, it's a test that, when executed, once in a while pass and here and there fizzle. This makes them difficult to recreate in light of the fact that conflicting outcomes in a similar climate will normally make it harder to pinpoint a genuine blunder in the code. 

9,Focus What To Automate 

While we Focus on Unstable component .So that we limit our test mechanization support endeavors. 

10,Automate Test Reports 

Continue to screen your test brings about request to distinguish what are the regions that need improvement and what components are steady. Additionally, the test results with essential data would should be kept up with for any future references. To mechanize your test reports, you can limit testing endeavors. This way the test outcomes created can be more wise by joining revealing with mechanized program test.


  1. It is useful to crack the interview and learn more about the Automation testing


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